In accordance with Article 5 of the NALC Constitution, this is official notice to all members of Branch #34 that nominations for the office of President, Executive Vice-President, Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, Financial- Secretary, Editor, Sergeant-At-Arms, Clerk NSBA-MBA, Health Benefit Officer, three Trustees and four Area-Stewards will be taken from the floor at the January 2019 Branch meeting. There will be no nomination papers necessary to run in this election. Any potential nominees who cannot be in attendance must submit a letter of acceptance at the time of nominations. The names of all the nominees will be read off by the close of the meeting.
The election of officers for Branch 34 will be held at the March 2019 Branch meeting. There the successful candidates for the office of President, Executive Vice-President, Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, Financial- Secretary, Editor, Sergeant-At-Arms, Clerk NSBA-MBA, Health Benefit Officer, Trustees and four Area-Stewards will be announced and they will serve from April 1, 2019 through March 31, 2022.
Delegates for the MSLCA Biennial State Convention
The election of delegates to the 2019 Massachusetts State Letter Carriers Association (MSLCA) Convention will be held at the November Branch 34 meeting.
Nominations will be taken from the floor and there will be no nomination papers necessary to run in this election. Any potential nominees who cannot be in attendance must submit a letter of acceptance at the time of nominations. The names of all the nominees will be read off by the close of the meeting.
If necessary, the election will take place at the December meeting. All delegates must be elected by a plurality vote. The vote shall be counted and tabulated at that time.
Delegates to the MSLCA Convention will not receive financial assistance unless they attend 16 to 24 meetings in the prior two years. Alternates will not be entitled to financial assistance unless they become delegates. The Sergeant- At-Arms will validate proof of attendance with the regular monthly meeting signature book.